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Every October, it seems the United States is awash in pink. Pink ribbons spring up on vehicles and clothing, and even professional sports organizations trade in their team colors for pink. Many organizations have aided in breast cancer research, advocacy and education, and Solis Mammography, the nation’s largest independent provider of breast imaging services, applauds this important work. Since 1982, the pink ribbon has made it acceptable for men and women to talk more openly about women’s breast health and associate the pink ribbon with breast cancer awareness. With the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, 2D mammography is covered 100 percent by nearly all insurance plans. And yet the sad reality is that almost half of American women who have health insurance are still not getting their annual mammogram.

 “At Solis, we’ve done our research and understand that too many women neglect their annual screening, not because they’re busy, but because of the stress and anxiety related to this unique test. Much of that stress is alleviated, however, when women are educated about their options. That’s what Rethink P.I.N.K. is all about,” says Connie Oliver, vice president with Solis Mammography. “The pink ribbon has done a lot of good, but it’s also caused a lot of fear – fear that we can mitigate by providing a better experience, accurate and fast results, less callbacks, less discomfort and easy access. Put simply, there is a difference, and when women experience that difference, they make better choices.”

In October, especially, many will hear critics say that mammograms are not foolproof. And while that’s true (no screening test is perfect) – mammography is the closest thing we have to a cure, and it remains the gold standard for preventative breast health. And with the advent of 3D Mammography, accuracy is getting even better with research showing a 54 percent increase in detection and a 37 percent decrease in unnecessary callbacks, according to the American Journal of Roentgenology 2013.

At Solis Mammography, they understand that no one wants a mammogram – what they want is peace of mind in knowing that their screening was exceptionally accurate and came back clean. For those women who discover a breast health problem, early detection is key to a successful outcome, meaning not just survival, but also the potential for better and less invasive treatment options. For this reason, Solis Mammography ( is launching its second year of a “Rethink P.I.N.K.” campaign to encourage women to focus on breast health rather than cancer and to get better educated about their options.

When it comes to Solis Mammography’s Rethink P.I.N.K. campaign, “P.I.N.K.” evolves from a color to an acronym, representing:

  • P = Peace of Mind. Solis Mammography’s Peace of Mind Mammogram™ demonstrates its promise to offer such an exceptional experience, women won’t avoid the mammogram they need.
  • I = Incredible Service. Deeply committed to patient-centric services, Solis offers online scheduling, easy tablet registration, convenient locations, compassionate care and fast results delivered by secure email within 24 to 48 hours.
  • N = Not what you Expect. While many women associate mammograms with pain, Solis’ breast-dedicated technologists are highly trained in compression and placement, with the result of 89 percent of their patients reporting little to no discomfort during their mammogram.
  • K = Knowledge is Power. Knowledge includes remembering that while 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, 7 in 8 will not. That’s 88 percent of women who can rest easy, knowing they’ll likely get an all clear from their screening. And for the 12 percent who discover an anomaly, the earlier they know, the better their options for treatment and positive outcomes.

“For over 30 years, we’ve kept our focus on women’s health and comfort,” Oliver adds. “We recommend women talk to their doctors about their own unique health histories and create an exam schedule that’s right for them. Rest assured, when they’re ready, we’ll be here to make sure she has an exceptional experience with exceptionally accurate results.”

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